Dear Friends,

May your summer be filled with laughter and some reviving outdoor adventures with your family and friends.

If you’ve missed me you can still find me on social media, where I post a short prophetic insight every Tuesday and a quote for you each Friday.

Instagram: 2gokathleendillard

Facebook: 2gokathleendillard

You will also begin hearing from me once a month at this blog.

Speaking of staying in touch, it’s always a good idea to keep your connection with God plugged in and full of light.

So, today I am sharing a passage with you from my, “Warrior Arise” devotional.

Day 16  Sword of Truth: A Liberator

Truth is a sword that will cut you.
The same truth is a liberator, and it will slash the ropes that bind you.
As you embrace it, it will fight for you.
As you acknowledge it, it will recognize you.
As you align with it, it will release authority through you.

Truth transforms the way you think. It will make you cry, bring you peace, and empower you for action in My kingdom.

Truth is not a philosophy. Truth is a person.
Your journey is not religious, but relational.

Remember My (Jesus) words, “I am the way and the truth and the life.”
(book of John)

“And you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.”
- John 8:32

“Life is not a thing, an essence, or a concept, but a person - more specifically, a particular and unique person.”
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Sending you love and wishing you health and renewal in every way you need it.

In His love and mine,

Kathleen Dillard