One of the tools that we have for you at is a thing called Pray-It Say-It. I don’t know if you’ve ever received a Pray-It Say-It card or if you’ve ever sent one, but I really hope you will do that after you hear this.

Right now I’m going to bless you with one of the prayers from a Pray-It Say-It card, and it’s on the topic of healing. You can go there (the link is below and it’s free) and create a blessing card for anyone. So here you go, are you ready?

Father, you formed us in our mother’s womb, and you did establish the numbers of our days before there was even one of them. You are intimately acquainted with all of our ways, and nothing escapes Your notice. Jesus, you are the Great Physician and there is nothing too difficult for you so I bring my friend before you now and I ask that You would touch them with Your mighty power.

Your word says You hear the desire of the afflicted, You encourage them and You listen to their cry. Here now, as my friend cries out to You in this time of need, touch their body with the strength that they need to fight the condition, so that they may recover quickly, Lord. Your word declares that it is by Your stripes that we are healed. So I take hold of that promise right now for my friend, and I proclaim Your provision for their healing. Let Your peace overshadow them, and let Your presence be their comfort at this time. I ask this in Jesus’ mighty name!

In addition to healing, you will find other prayer topics, like encouragement, power for ministry, blessing, grief, provision, salvation and more. Go be blessed and go bless someone else right now. It only takes a couple of minutes and it’s well worth your time. Will you do it? Go to: