Dear Friend,

It is unlikely that all the votes are tallied for the winner of the United States presidential elections.

While we wait for the results what we do know is who the Ruler of the Universe is, unelectable, unfailing, unfading.

In the meantime let’s continue to pray over the election process. For honesty, accuracy and a prevailing peace over America.

While we are waiting the truth is life rumbles on for you and I. So today I pray a blessing of wisdom over your life and household.

“Wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.”James 3:17

May you have wisdom to manage each issue in your life, work and family.

To step in and become a part of the solution where people are facing desperate economic loss and strain.

To be a mother or father in the faith, who release reassurance and practical assistance.

May you follow up and follow through each time your heart is moved with compassion.


The need of this hour.

May it be yours.


In His love and mine,


Resources for you:

Are you wanting more wisdom in your life? You can start reading one of the Old Testament proverbs every day. There are 31 proverbs, covering each day of the month. Aim to do this for 1 full year. I promise you that you will see your wisdom increased.

Bill Johnson has an audio teaching series that is very good: The Beauty of Wisdom, The Power that Changes the World.

Click below to check it out:

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