Hello. I hope you’re doing well. I have a word for you, at least for some of you. I tried to wriggle out of this because of other demands; but God wouldn’t let me do that. So, here we go…

If you’re going through a tough time, keep reading. Jesus and his disciples were exhausting themselves in the ministry. There was a leper, then a paralyzed servant and a woman with a fever who got healed. This drew a hovering crowd of hungry onlookers.

That’s when Jesus told his disciples they would be crossing the lake. Once they got into the boat two things happened. Jesus fell asleep. And a severe storm arose that threatened to swallow them alive.

Quivering with fear, the disciples shook Christ awake, “Lord, save us! We’re going to drown!” (Matthew 8:25) Christ said, “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?”

You and I both know why they were so afraid, right? They were in the throes of a life threatening storm. Where was Jesus? He was WITH THEM. Sleeping.

Christ stood and rebuked the winds and waves; and it lilted into a perfect and complete calm.

If you’re in a boat right now that’s caught in a storm, where is Jesus? Remember, even if it might seem like He’s sleeping, HE IS STILL THERE WITH YOU.

There are seasons when our very soul is assaulted. Our faith quivers. And our knees go weak.

Max Lucado offers wisdom, “You’ll get through this. It won’t be painless… In the meantime don’t be foolish or naive… With God’s help you will get through this.” (excerpt from You’ll Get Through This: Hope and Help for Your Turbulent Times by Max Lucado)

In the meantime, lean on HIM. God is closer than you might think. Drop the weight of everything into His capacity. Take a moment to rebuke the storm (just in case it works 🙂 because sometimes it does). Take good care of yourself. You’re in a battle. Pray and receive prayer from trusted people. Consider getting Lucado’s book, You’ll Get Through This…. And remember that God works ALL THINGS together for good for those who love Him. ALL things.

Sending you hugs into your day~

Kathleen Dillard