Day-19 Murder in the First Family

Day-19 Murder in the First Family

“If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it.” -Genesis 4:7 Today’s Word: Even with the design being right, we still have to deal with the...
Day-20 You Must Master It

Day-20 You Must Master It

“For sin shall no longer be your master, because you are not under the law, but under grace.”  -Romans 6:14 Today’s Word: When Cain was gripped by anger and jealousy, the Lord gave a vital word of wisdom, “You must master it.” Cain had a choice. There was a moment in...
Day-1 A Prayer of Blessing for You!

Day-1 A Prayer of Blessing for You!

“Tell the righteous that it shall be well with them, for they shall eat the fruit of their deeds.” (Isaiah 3:10) Today, I’m going to pray a prayer of blessing over you: Lord, I ask for a fresh blessing and infusion of your strength over my friend. I ask you, God, to...
Day-2 Use Your Authority

Day-2 Use Your Authority

When was the last time you rebuked the devil? I mean, Jesus gave you and I authority over the powers of evil in order to conduct His kingdom, both in our lives and through our lives, to others. He said, “I give you authority.” (Matthew 10) It’s all through the gospels...
Day-3 Get Busy and Bless Someone!

Day-3 Get Busy and Bless Someone!

One of the tools that we have for you at Prayercentral is a thing called Pray-It Say-It. I don’t know if you’ve ever received a Pray-It Say-It card or if you’ve ever sent one, but I really hope you will do that after you hear this. Right now I’m going to bless you...