“Faith sees the invisible, believes the unbelievable,
and receives the impossible.”
Dietrich Bonhoeffer


Dear friend,

I’m excited to check in with you because God has brought about this blog through some supernatural events. And that’s how I chose the topic of strengthening your faith.

Then when I was writing to you, suddenly the Lord released an unexpected prophetic word for you. So my friend, here we go.

I don’t remember ever reading this verse, “If you do not stand firm in your faith, you will not stand at all.” ~ Isaiah 7. I saw it for the first time, that I can recall, 10 days ago.

Then a week later, after a sun scorched day, I decided to battle the night without air-conditioning. My upstairs room was a sauna and finally I switched on my audio bible starting at Psalm one.

Several hours later I woke up at the exact moment the bible reader was saying, “If you do not stand firm in your faith, you will not stand at all.”

Oh, wow.

That’s why I’m talking to you about this today. This verse in Isaiah 7 was part of a prophecy from the Lord to a leader in a season of unrest.

Standing Firm in Unrest

Most of us can relate to a season of unrest. Our usual busy lives have been indefinitely interrupted. Disrupted. And even afflicted.

God points to an option amid unrest. And that option is your faith.

The reality is everyone is putting their faith in something or someone. You’ve tucked your belief in your retirement, your family, your intellect, your good looks etc. You’ve put it somewhere and you plan to stand on it.

The Lord says, put your faith in Me. Get up and stand on it. Adding if you don’t stand there you aren’t going to be able to stand at all.


So, if this is true we might need to do some housecleaning. Clear out some distractions. And take a look at where our feet are. It’s homework time with God.

I am not going to dive into the details of all of that. Each one of us carry our issues and tug along our security blankets. Jesus is our teacher and He will show you and I what we need to see. So let’s ask Him.

For now I am going to share a few practical things you can do to strengthen your faith. And after that there is a prophetic word for you.

How You can Strengthen Your Faith

The time to strengthen anything, your body, your mind, your relationships, your faith is BEFORE you need it.

And it’s already too late for some of us but it’s still okay. However, listen up my friend because it is not business as usual on planet earth and it’s time to get to work.

1. Your focus. Get it right. Fix your eyes on Jesus. Everything else is dying. Grab your head and take charge of where your eyes are looking (sooner is better than later). See Hebrews 12:2

2. Get in God’s word everyday. Daily. Make it a habit. A nonnegotiable. Read the Proverb of the day. Grab a Psalm. Take in one of the Bible stories, as your bedtime story. Do it. You can. You must.

3. Which mountain will you move? 
Someone once said, “if you aim at nothing, you hit nothing.” You have to have targets for your faith. Those targets can be for yourself, your family and then you should have something outside yourself and your family. You should have a focus in your nation where you want to see a mountain move. And also for another country God stirs your focus for. Identify your mountains. And do this as you are taking time with God in prayer, in case He wants to tell you something new.

4. Give yourself to God 100%. Take time to fully dedicate your life and story to God and His eternal purposes for you.

A Prophetic Word: Your Faith Activated

“You can move a mountain through a mustard seed of faith. Do not hide your mustard seed but dig out room for it, in the God sized assignments I have for you. What mountains are you facing now? What towering obstacles are before those you love? Are you concerned about the job market? Or the pandemic? Or the multitudes of dear souls who have not found their resting place in Me?
    Press into Me says the Lord, begin to seek, ask, knock. For My promise is that you will find and receive and the door will be opened to you.
If you have been in the good fight of faith for awhile and you are weary, ask Me to renew your strength. For it is not by might nor by your own power but it is by My Spirit that you see My kingdom come.
    Remember that love never fails. Allow the compassion I place in your heart to be your compass. There is even a place for you to stand up in the boat and command the storm to be still, so lift up your voice in these times.
I have exploits for you in this season. Mighty deeds of power, some big and some small that all declare My glory and reveal the helping countenance of the King who reigns forever and ever.” ~ Amen.

“However, when the Son of Man comes,
will he find faith on the earth?”
Jesus (Luke 18:8)


Scriptures used in the prophetic word:
Matthew 7:7-12; Mark 4:35-41; Zechariah 4:6

Let’s fight the good fight of faith ~


It’s one of the only fights worth fighting.

In His love and mine,


Resources for you:

1. Excellent Bible websites you can use:
- Bible Gateway: https://www.biblegateway.com
- Bible Hub: https://biblehub.com

2. The Aaronic blessing sung by Jonathon Cahn 

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