Dear friends,

The Coronavirus has sent most of us into a financial tizzy. What are our assets? What programs do I qualify for? Who can I count on?

This is a time of heavy lifting over our finances.

However there is an asset you have, that you might have overlooked. In fact it’s your most valuable asset because it’s the only thing you get to take to heaven. What is it? Your heart.

I want to take a minute to talk about this. But before I do I’d like to release a blessing over you:

I pray great grace and favor over you and your finances. May things come together, may wisdom plow the way open and may you see supernatural multiplication over all of your resources. Amen.

The other area I want you to prosper in is your heart. I am not talking about your physical heart but the place you are living your life out of.

One of my favorite bible verses is,

“Watch over your heart with all diligence because from it flows the springs of life.” Proverbs 4:23


What often happens with waterways is they become a place where pollution piles up. So, the Bible offers this word of instruction, “Watch over” the springs of life.

What are the bits of trash that can stack up along the rivers of our heart?

You and I could fill a whiteboard with our ideas. But to keep things simple I’m going to list out 10 things that create pollution. And 10 things that will add beauty. Here we go:

Fear. Worry. Anger. Greed. Addiction. Bitterness. Self pity. Unbelief. Isolation. Self sufficiency.

Gratitude. Joy. Hope. Wisdom. Prayer. Worship. Fellowship. Love. Generosity. Patience.

I am not going to dive into detail about each of these things because most of us could preach a sermon on them already.

But I am going to offer a reminder: watch over your heart and pick up the trash.

May our most valuable asset lead the way in this challenging season.

Before I close I want to offer you 2 resources and one word of knowledge.

First Resource: This is an anointed short message from Francis Chan on personal connection with God. Very strengthening.

Second Resource:

Did you know, “The Journey of Forgiveness” booklet is offered for free on my website. Thousands of believers around the world have found freedom in their lives as they have interacted with the content.

If you find yourself easily angered, frustrated and lashing out at others and yourself, please think about jumping into this life giving resource:

Begin Journey of Forgiveness devotional today

“He who cannot forgive, breaks the bridge over which he himself must pass.”- T. Fuller


Word of Knowledge: This is to the married women. There are some wives who are feeling very anxious about the finances and you are putting a lot of pressure on your husband. Your husband can’t handle your anxiety but God can. So go cast all of your anxiety on the Lord. And then when you are in a place of peace go partner with your husband to create some winning solutions for the days ahead.

With much love,

Together, we can.


P.S. I love to hear from you. Leave a comment below.

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