Dear Friends,


A blessed new year to you and those who are near and dear to you.


May 2021 be packed with radiant wisdom, the steadying grace of God’s embrace… and a compass that sets you into His purpose until you see His face.


One of the things you and I CAN do during coronavirus is MAGNIFY the Lord. Yes, there are uncertain things. Fake news. And true news. A fluctuating job market. A more contagious strain of corona virus.

And most of us already feel as if life is a table with 3 legs, instead of four. And sorting the bits and pieces out is all happening while you and I try to stabilize the table top.

Eeeks, not a circus act I signed up for.


But what I did sign up for was to follow Jesus. And to do it the way Jesus instructed us to do it: 

"Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.”


Following Jesus is the 3rd directive in a trio of action steps.
The first two are: Deny yourself and take up your cross. Our stability in 2021 will be connected to these 3 things. So, let the Lord speak to you about where you’re at and maybe where you’re not. Getting each of these action steps in place could even help balance the teeter and totter of our 3 legged table.


In the meantime, the Psalmist wrote, “Let those who love your salvation say, ‘The Lord be magnified.’” Can you and I agree to do this more then we ever have in 2021? 


Lift Jesus up. Tell others how God has been faithful to you. Let folks know you’re praying for them. Say, “God bless you,” from time to time to someone new. 


And sing. Make a new song. Sing it in your car or backyard. Jesus is amazing.

Let’s stand in AWE of God in 2021~

That my friends is something we CAN do.


In His love and mine,


