Hello dear one,

Few will feel the pain of Coronavirus like those who have lost loved ones during this pandemic.

All the social distancing, hand washing and quarantining are mere inconveniences but there are not many things that equal the deep pain of grief.

Nations are grieving.

In America, according to the worldometer* almost 41,000 people have died with 13,500 on the serious/critical list.

Let’s pray for the families who have suffered the loss of a loved one during this pandemic:

– “Lord we stand on Your word that You are near to the brokenhearted. We ask for Your strong Presence of peace and comfort to fill every home where families are grieving the loss of a loved one. You see. You hear. You care. We agree in prayer that every person suffering in grief will experience Your nearness. You are the God of all comfort and we ask for dreams and waves of love and good deeds to be poured over each grandparent, parent, child, spouse, sibling, and friend pierced by the loss of a loved one. We stand together in faith for Your manifest goodness to cover each household and each person with a canopy of  Your care and hope, in Jesus name.” Amen.*

Your prayers will release the manifest peace, hope and strength over the families who are suffering in grief at this time.

Remember, you can send a sympathy card. If you know someone personally, please bring a meal. Or go do an errand for groceries or the drugstore.

In times of grief people often don’t know what they need, so go ahead and bring some cookies, fresh bread or flowers.

Caring doesn’t count until you show up, in whatever way you can.

I would like to close with leaving you a beautiful rendition of Amazing Grace by Andrea Bocelli. May it fill you with strength:

Sending prayers of blessing over you and your household.

Together, we can.



*scripture references in the prayer: Psalm 34:8; 2 Corinthians1:3; Psalm 34:17.

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