Happy October to you. Sending you a fresh wind from heaven. May God’s nearness settle over you today.

I just completed our annual prayer covering over ministry partners. Myself and some of my staff pressed into the Lord.

As we prayed, we also listened. And I would like to share with you the things God spoke to us, in case it’s exactly what you need to hear right now.

One of the women who works with me wrote, “It seems that most of the prayer requests that came to me were all dealing with relationship issues. Broken relationships in families, friendships and salvation needed for family members and loved ones. I really prayed into the relationship thing as it is such a stronghold right now. It’s BIG.”

I am mentioning this because if you are entangled in a relationship struggle, be assured YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Be patient, persevere in prayer, receive fresh power from Him so you can walk like a citizen of heaven. Worship can clear the atmosphere. And love and good deeds can pave the way forward.

Take some time to read the spiritual insights the Lord gave to me and a couple of my colleagues in the ministry.

I would also encourage you to look up the bible verses and linger in the things that speak to your heart. Because the nature of truth is always to bring freedom. So, let’s go get some liberty.

In His love and mine,


PS - if you need to do some spiritual homework in the area of forgiveness remember I offer you a free resource on my website: Journey of Forgiveness

Prayer Insights

Nora Brown, who oversees all the ministry mailings, & is a shining star to all who meet her.

"No matter what you see with your eyes or perceive with your mind, I will never leave or forsake you. I am always at work, for I do not slumber or sleep.  Consider My Son, who was crucified in weakness and raised in power and glory. I do not work the way the world works. Beware of this world’s wisdom, it only brings confusion and chaos.  My wisdom brings peace and righteousness. 

It is time for you to forgive whoever you need to forgive, and release what needs to be released. Let die what needs to die; for, I resurrect circumstances and people into something beautiful and eternal.

I am undaunted by the brokenness of the world. You may be afraid, but I am not. My mercy and truth will prevail. Put your hand to the plow and don’t look back. Your perseverance is of great worth to Me, and a crown awaits you.” (Read: Isaiah 55:8-9; Colossians 3:1-4)

Nicki Kumfer, who keeps track of the online mail, and is a fearless prophetess.

As I was praying I kept hearing two things. The first one was that God is our Hiding Place and I was encouraged as the song came on my radio “you are my hiding place,” and I felt like that was a confirmation from the Lord to encourage those who read your newsletter and have sent in prayer requests to press into their hiding places and let them take shelter in Him and that be the place where He speaks to and ministers to their hearts. 

The second thing I heard was “let God arise and your enemies be scattered! “ I hear the Lord saying, “I will stay close to you, instructing and guiding you along the pathway for your life. I will advise you along the way and lead you forth with my eyes as your guide.” (Read Psalm 32:7; Psalm 68:1-7)

Kathleen Dillard, intercessor and advocate for unreached people groups.

As I prayed for you I kept hearing the bible passage: ask, seek, knock. I hear God saying to you, “This is a season when extra persistence is required, in order to seize the answer. And through your persistence I am building up your stamina and capacity. I know when you sit down and when you stand up and how many hairs are on your head. You life is under My watchful gaze. Receive My help and keep pressing upward and onward. Rewards await you. Don’t faint.” Also take time to build up your faith by getting into His word. (Psalm 139; Psalm 145; Matthew 7:7-8; Jude 22)

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