“…and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He Himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.”

– Acts20


Every year I give a bag of Christmas sweets along with some cash to the young men who collect my garbage.

And every year they are SO touched. Giving to others is one of the ways you and I can celebrate Jesus birthday. As we do this for others, we do this for HIM 🙂

Ideas? Why not start with the folks who collect your trash? Or bring someone a meal. Give a single parent family a gift card for groceries, a restaurant or a department store. Leave some cash on someone’s windshield, maybe. Volunteer to serve at a homeless shelter. You can add your ideas for us in the comment section.

It is MORE blessed to give than receive.

So my friends let’s get busy spreading His love.




Kathleen Dillard