Kathleen Dillard

Recent Posts

You Laughing, More

Life is better with laughter. I was sharing in a home group overseas, explaining my strategy to add more recovery time between work assignments. The leader of the group asked me, “Can you give us more ideas on what you do to get recharged?” So we jumped into a...

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Your Prayers Can’t do Much

“Prayer is your way, often the only way, to water the harvest. By prayer you can bring the Holy Spirit's blessing on any gospel effort anywhere in the world.” Dr. Wesley Duewel Today I’m giving you an early look at my new devotional, “Warrior Arise.” It’s been years...

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Happy Easter To You

Every Easter I like to share the amazing prayer my husband wrote. I remember the day he wrote it because it was moving day. He was busy buzzing around getting things set up in our new house. I begged him to pull away from the work and write an Easter greeting for his...

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Bless Someone, You Are Made For This

Years ago someone gave me this great prayer tool and I’d like to pass it along to you. Spread out your hand and beginning with your thumb write the word: B-L-E-S-S. When you lift up your hands to pray for your family, your neighborhood, your nation or the nations you...

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Your Weakness, Your Strength

When it comes to weakness, it might not be as bad as you think. Today I’d like to share an article about this written by my late husband Wayne Dillard. May you be blessed. “You know, weakness is probably your most underrated strength. It’s something we all try to...

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Are You Feeding The Fox?

Feeding wild animals may not end well. My daughter once tried to feed a cute squirrel in a park. She chatted with him and extended a treat. He danced like a disney creature and finally ran up to grab the food. But he gave her finger a sharp honk with his pointy teeth...

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You & Trust Is A Must

“There is something about believing God that will cause Him to pass over a million people to get to you.”  Smith Wigglesworth   Who do you trust? Your employer? Yourself? Your family? Your friends? God? Trust is where you put your confidence. Where you think the...

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The Devil’s Lie About Your Prayers

“Satan trembles when he sees the weakest saint upon their knees.” William Cowper   May God’s nearness and wisdom rain down on you today. When it does just tip up your face up and soak it in. One of the lies the devil is passing around these days is, “Don’t bother...

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How Are You with Swords?

“We are the decisive factor in the affairs of the universe.” Derek Prince   I cleared some time to go into intense prayer for friends who were in trouble. Suddenly the Lord said, “Where’s your sword?” This surprised me. What was He talking about, my sword? Oh,...

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